cooking tips

Tip For Removing Tomato Skins Easily! When you prepare a dish with tomato sauce such as pasta, ratatouille, or even for fresh salads or pico de gallo, flavors will always be stronger when using fresh tomatoes. Clearly, there is absolutely no comparison possible between using fresh tomatoes instead of cannedContinue Reading


My own delicious recipe of the traditional French Madeleines! Delicious little bites!  Watch my cooking video and learn how to bake Madeleines! Click HERE for the ingredients and baking cookware required. Madeleines, originally from North-Eastern France, are very small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape acquired from being bakedContinue Reading

pot au feu

US Eastern Time. During this class, we will cook together the famous and classic Pot-au-feu, a feast of slow-cooked pieces of beef (various parts) in its delicious broth, served with root vegetables also cooked in the broth but separately. This dish is one of the most traditional recipes from France.Continue Reading

pot au feu

US Eastern Time. During this class, we will cook together the famous and classic Pot-au-feu, a feast of slow-cooked pieces of beef (various parts) in its delicious broth, served with root vegetables also cooked in the broth but separately. This dish is one of the most traditional recipes from France.Continue Reading

Tarte Tatin Tomates Cerises

US Eastern Time. During this class, we will cook “Cherry Tomatoes in Tartes Tatin! These delicious little bites will be the stars of your cocktail party when served as hors d’oeuvres. Light and crispy, the cherry tomatoes are cooked and mixed with caramelized balsamic vinegar. Ideal as a starter, they can also be served with a fresh arugula salad.Continue Reading


US Eastern Time. During this class, we will cook together the Traditional French Madeleines! Madeleines, originally from North-Eastern France, are very small cakes with a shell-like shapeContinue Reading