cooking tips

Tip For Removing Tomato Skins Easily! When you prepare a dish with tomato sauce such as pasta, ratatouille, or even for fresh salads or pico de gallo, flavors will always be stronger when using fresh tomatoes. Clearly, there is absolutely no comparison possible between using fresh tomatoes instead of cannedContinue Reading


My own delicious recipe of the traditional French Madeleines! Delicious little bites!  Watch my cooking video and learn how to bake Madeleines! Click HERE for the ingredients and baking cookware required. Madeleines, originally from North-Eastern France, are very small sponge cakes with a distinctive shell-like shape acquired from being bakedContinue Reading

ratatouille healthy french food

Let’s Cook Healthy French Food! Chez François offers a selection of healthy French recipes and vegetarian options for some of the French classic dishes! From ratatouille, green lentils, fish, and seafood dishes to tomatoes stuffed with quinoa or delicious soups, Chez François has many French recipes that will make itContinue Reading

French cheese

Where to buy French cheese online in the USA? There rarely goes a day in my life without French cheese on the table! Like many French people, I do consider cheese as a completely separate course on my menu, and it is always between my main course and dessert. IContinue Reading

cristel image 7

Best cookware 2021: Cristel, the Exclusive cookware brand made for healthy gourmet cooking. Chez François highly recommends the Cristel range of stainless steel cookware with a detachable handle system to provide the ability to nest cookware, save space in drawers and in the dishwasher. CRISTEL places the pursuit of excellenceContinue Reading

online cooking classes to learn how to cook French food

Vegetable Stock: the flavor base for many French stews, braises, sauces, or soups! Make your own vegetable stock with Chez François. Book your private French cooking class and learn French cuisine online. Live video cooking lesson! Read more In a large saucepan or dutch oven, bring to boil 4 cupsContinue Reading

WWW.CHEZFRANCOIS.NET french recipes by Chez Francois

Small Tartes Tatin of sweet and sour cherry tomatoes. Delicious little bites!  Learn how to cook Cherry Tomato Tarte Tatin, ideal for cocktail parties, or served as hors d’oeuvres. Book your French cooking class today! Light and crispy, the cherry tomatoes are cooked and mixed with caramelized balsamic vinegar. IdealContinue Reading